On-hold and Controlling Availability for Showings

If you have vacancies that aren't ready yet, this guide will show you how to control availability for showings

We'll walk through the two settings and share some examples at the end


When a vacancy is "On-hold", the following apply:

  • The vacancy is still syndicated to all the listing sites
  • RentEngine automatically responds to new leads but does not encourage them to schedule a showing
  • Follow ups and lead nurturing is turned off until the property is Available
  • Prospect can still schedule a showing if the property is available for showings with in the next 4 weeks (see below)

The On-hold status effectively acts as a waitlist and the leads will still appear in the Command Center

To set a vacancy to On-hold, simply click Take Action from the Properties tab and press "Mark Unit On Hold". When you're ready to make it Available, follow the same process and press "Mark Unit Available"

Earliest Showing Date

You can control availability for showings when you activate a vacancy. On the first page of the property info, click the "Is the unit currently occupied" checkbox and enter the earliest move in date and earliest showing date.

The system will not allow prospects to schedule showings before that date. It will also let prospects know that they can't move in until. the Earliest Move-in Date.


Let's cover some illustrative examples to help you choose the right settings for your upcoming vacancies

  1. Home is ready for showings and move-in now
    1. DO NOT mark the property On-hold, since it's ready for showings
    2. DO NOT set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info, since it's ready for move-in and showings
  2. Home will be ready for showings and move-in next week
    1. DO NOT mark the property On-hold, since it's a good idea to start scheduling the showings for next week now
    2. DO set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info
  3. Home is ready for showings in one week, but won't be available to move-in for one month
    1. DO NOT mark the property On-hold, since it's a good idea to start scheduling the showings for next week now
    2. DO set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info
  4. Home is ready for showings now, but won't be available to move-in for two weeks
    1. DO NOT mark the property On-hold, since it's a good idea to start scheduling the showings for next week now
    2. DO set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info
  5. Home will not be ready for showings or move in for another month
    1. DO mark the property On-hold, since it's going to be a long while before prospect can start scheduling showings
    2. DO set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info
  6. Vacant home is undergoing some maintenance work and will be temporarily off-market
    1. DO NOT mark the property On-hold, since it's a good idea to start scheduling the showings for when it's ready
    2. DO set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info
  7. You have received lots of applications and want to keep marketing but not push new prospects to schedule showings or follow up with existing prospects
    1. DO mark the property On-hold, to limit new prospects from scheduling showings but still keep it on market just in case
    2. DO NOT set the applicable earliest move-in and showing dates in the property info since it's ready
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