Log a Leasing Event

When you interact with a prospect (call or text) and their status changes, you should log a leasing event. This will update the prospect's status.

RentEngine will keep following up with a prospect if they have an active status (i.e. New, Contacted, Showing Desired, Missed Showing, Showing Canceled, Showing Failed, Still Deciding, Application Sent to Prospect)

  1. To log a leasing event, open the prospect in the Command Center. Then press "Action" at the top.
  2. A drawer will open from the right where you'll see a dropdown menu
  3. Choose the leasing event you'd like to log
    1. The options that start with "Action" also send the prospect a text message (and log the corresponding leasing event)
    2. Choose "Log Note" if you want to record a one-off note for the prospect
  4. Add any internal notes that you'd like to record

Note: unless you select an "Action", all other options will end the RentEngine follow up sequences

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