Adding a Digital Lockbox

Ready to add a new digital lockbox to the RentEngine platform?

This guide will show you how to sync it to RentEngine and connect it to a vacancy for self-guided showings.

Add a Lockbox to RentEngine

  1. Head to the Lockboxes tab and press Add Lockbox at the top right
  2. Pick your brand (SentriLock or Codebox). Then add the required information, including your Codebox account (if applicable)
  3. Press Create Lockboxes
  4. Connect a Lockbox to a Vacancy

  1. Go to the Properties tab and find which vacancy needs the lockbox
  2. Click Take Action > Edit Property

  3. Then click Next and you'll come to the Access Instructions page
  4. Under Showing Method choose "Self Guided"
  5. Then under Key Security choose "Digital Lockbox" and press the "Assign Lockbox" button
  6. Choose the relevant lockbox from the list of serial numbers and press Save
  7. Finish adding the access instructions (like lockbox location, gate instructions) and press Next
  8. Review the rest of the property info

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