Personal Settings for Showing Agents
If you'll be showing properties, this guide will show you how to control your availability using showing windows and connected calendars
To get started, head to Settings > Personal
Looking to set up Smart Scheduling for your company? Check out this guide
Showing Windows
Here you can set your Showing Windows for when you're generally available for showings. Click the boxes to choose your availability. Dark blue means available and light blue means not available.
When you're finished, click "Save Showing Windows"
You can update these any time you want and it will automatically adjust your availability for all showings
Connected Calendar
RentEngine syncs to your Google or Outlook calendar to give you even more control over availability.
Connect your calendar by pressing the relevant provider and following the on screen instructions.
Now RentEngine will only offer showing slots to prospects based on the availability in your connected calendar. This feature scans for "accepted" events, so make sure to accept all calendar invites that you'd like to block time for.
Drive Time
RentEngine's Smart Scheduling algorithm automatically adjusts for drive time between showings.
That means we'll only offer showing slots to prospects that give you enough time to move between appointments. This feature is based on the historic average and max drive time between the two locations.